ZBP Av. de Las Américas with Carrera 50 - Puente Norte

Locality: Puente Aranda

Orgánicos bajo el concreto (Organics under the concrete) - Laboratorio del Color

Western side

The mural painting that resulted from the sketch selected by the community of street workers in this sector was the work of three artists. They represent the cultural, sexual and gender diversity that that exists within the city. These three different perceptions of Bogotá as a scenario of coexistence and intercultural interaction. “Orgánicos bajo el concreto” was produced by Laboratorio del Color, a group of three urban artists of local and national recognition and impact: Soma Difusa, Arkaloides and Rags, together with Felipe Villamarín in the field production, Jhonny Mancera in the coordination of heights and Jorge Reina in the general production.

Orgánicxs bajo el concreto - Laboratorio del Color


Mi color es tu color (My color is your color) - Alianza St 80

Eastern side

From the Alianza St 80 group, we worked with the Afro community from the Colombian Pacific region, magical places where they lived most of their lives, enjoyed and shared with their families. Unfortunately, due to violence and lack of opportunities, they were forced to move, leaving behind their lives, their territory, their ancestral customs and in many cases, family or friends. The result of the work with the community led us to design an artistic piece of which the community will feel proud and represented. The colors used, the elements employed, two portraits that were captured with a technique called hyper-realism. The textures and the colored wefts were designed to project the collaborative work done together with the community. The mural is significant because it reflects much of the ancestral knowledge and oral traditions that these people refuse to forget.

Perfil Instagram Mi color es tu color - Alianza St 80


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