ZBP Calle 53 with Carrera 30

Locality: Teusaquillo

La vida por los colores (Life through colors) - Colectivo Puente de Vida

Eastern side

The Puente de Vida collective discussed their project with the community living in the buildings adjacent to the bridge and also with Santa Fe soccer fans. Initially, the same community stated that the space in the Under Bridge Zone had been taken over by Millonarios soccer fans, resulting in the deterioration of the space and carrying out negative activities in the territory. In an attempt to achieve this coordination, the group was versatile and involved the soccer clubs in favorable spaces, where there have not been any confrontations. The laboratories were held in the same ZBP, where the furniture was installed to carry out their artistic activities and thus attract the attention of passersby and people from the same community. In the laboratories, intergenerational knowledge was exchanged, where the older adult community remembered their neighborhood with the old name -Sears-, due to a chain store that existed in the 80's in this sector. Likewise, the adult and young population contributed from the growth of the neighborhood and how the existence of the El Campín stadium had deteriorated its territory with the presence of soccer clubs. The creation of its visual proposal was a collaborative effort with the community, portraying symbolic parts of their neighborhood and different generations that have lived there. The choice of warm and soft colors was a decision made with the community to change the environment of the intense colors of the soccer bars.

La vida por los colores - Colectivo Puente de Vida


Renacer y unión (Rebirth and union) - ABM Crew

Western side

The ABM CREW group presented its project with a community of adult women from the Casa Renaceres, in the Galerías and Nicolas de Federman neighborhoods, who work with plastic arts in their free time. The aim was to combine feminine power with urban art in order to capture this collective creation in the artwork of the Under Bridge Zone. In order to achieve this goal, artistic workshops were held in which an exchange of artistic techniques took place between the group of artists and the group of women artists. At the same time, artwork was made on the railings of the shops next to the bridge, on the western side, in order to improve the environment and involve the merchants in the Bogotá's Open Museum project. As a result of these laboratories, the graphic proposal of the collective was created, which involves on the one hand the aesthetics of graffiti writing, landscape and nature painting, a theme addressed by the artists in the laboratories.

Perfil Instagram Renacer y unión - ABM Crew


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